Contests Technician Grand Prix Midle East
Hafnizar Ismail Sairan a qualified auto car Indonesian origin who work in the company of Toyota Jeddah successful gold medal in the contest Technician Grand Prix Midle East to-11 who held Japan's Toyota Motor Cooperation in Manama, on 12-13 November 2006 ago.
Skills Grand Prix is a prestigious contest for the engineers who once held 2 years since 1992 in the world - Asia, Latin America, Kribera, Middle East and European objective is to find the best engineers in each region. Participants drawn from the winners at the national level engineers each State.
Men birth dead 13 November 1970, which began work in Saudi in 1998, this successful surpass the other participants came from 9 countries, namely Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, France and the United Arab Emirates.
Achievement by these two men bear to get coverage from various print and electronic media published in Saudi Arabia so that they better company where he worked. But right at the International Airport King Abdul Aziz, Hafnizar immediately greeted by rousing the petinggi company Toyota Saudi Arabia and the official welcome ceremony was held at the headquarters Abdul Latief Jameel (ALJ), which was attended by General Manager Mr. ALJ. Jameel Muhammad Abdul Latief, which also provides some special prizes to the men who had worked in the Astra Motor Jakarta.